The north american bison , bison bison 北美野牛野牛属的北美野牛
American bison are very large 美洲野牛非常巨大。
At the same time 300 american bison and 6 , 000 wild boars are also kept privately 调查同时发现,英国人饲养的另类宠物中还包括2000只鸵鸟近500只猴子300只美洲野牛和6000头野猪。
At the same time 300 american bison and 6 , 000 wild boars are also kept privately 调查同时发现,英国人饲养的另类宠物中还包括2000只鸵鸟、近500只猴子、 300只美洲野牛和6000头野猪。
In south - west alberta , the remains of marked trails and an aboriginal camp , and a tumulus where vast quantities of buffalo ( american bison ) skeletons can still be found , are evidence of a custom practised by aboriginal peoples of the north american plains for nearly 6 , 000 years 在艾伯塔省的西南部,发现了一个土著人的营房和坟地遗址,里面存有大量的野牛骨骼,生动地向人们展示了近六千年前的北美土著人的生活习俗。
Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of Near threatened.